9:00am Bible Class
Children, Youth, College-Age, Singles, Couples, Adults, Senior Adults, Single Parents, and Families

10:00am Worship Service
(includes Acappella Praise and Communion)

5:00pm Sunday Night For The Master
Sunday Night For The Master is the first and third Sundays of each month. Member gather at 5:00 for an hour of serving. This includes "Hugs Blanket" making (hand tied blankets to be given to those who are suffering), Visitations, Maintenance, and Special Projects.

5:00pm Youth
Youth meet the same time as Sunday Night For The Master for a time of fun learning. The youth also do fun exploratory ventures as the seasons allow.

1st and 3rd Sundays – Sunday Night for the Master (Service Projects)
2nd and 4th Sundays No Evening Service
5th Sunday No Evening Service


A group meets Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the building for a guided study through God's Word. This is a small group environment where all are invited to participate in discussion as we dig deeper into what God wants us to know about Him and ourselves. The group also takes time periodically to simply have a meal together so we can connect more with one another.

***4th Sunday fellowship carry-in after morning worship…no evening worship assembly.


All photos and text were supplied by Fairlawn Church of Christ.
This web site was created by Palomino Solutions Inc.